Illustration / Concept Art / Character Design

Sunny in Paradise

Several years ago, I worked on artwork for a children's book Kickstarter campaign. The campaign ended up not being funded, however I was very happy with the final result of these images.


Illustration Concept Art Character Design

Book Illustrations

Sunny finds himself trapped and has to think quickly to escape.

A small underwater adventure for children

These concepts were for a small book project I was working on shortly after college. Unfortunately, the project was never completed, but the illustrations that resulted from it were some of my favorite work from this period.

Some day the author and I may return to this project about a little fish who is determined to investigate the mysterious creature at the back of the tank. 

Sunny swims away from his friends when they don't believe his story.
Sunny sees a strange creature sticking his hand into the fish tank.
Sunny finds himself trapped and has to think quickly to escape.
Sunny's friends find him and help him escape from the frightening creature.
Sunny in Paradise promotional poster clean artwork.
Sunny in Paradise promotional poster.